----------------------------- v2.2.4 - 02/11/2023 ----------------------------- * Changes - CGT is now compatible with MySQL v8.x.x ----------------------------- v2.2.3 - 02/10/2023 ----------------------------- * Changes - New "explosive event" disaster type ----------------------------- v2.2.2 - 13/07/2023 ----------------------------- * Changes - New algorithm to simplify footprints containin huge number of coordinates * Fixes - Footprint column in the database changed to "mediumtext" type to allow large geometries ----------------------------- v2.2.0 - 15/09/2022 ----------------------------- * Changes - New contact/support form - New RSS endpoints - New subscriptions to activations - Captcha validation * Fixes - Filtering by selected geometry on the map was not working - Various bugs while switching between languages - Zoom to geometries crossing the dateline - Fixed footprints crossing dateLine / greenwichLine ----------------------------- v2.1.4 - 16/09/2021 ----------------------------- * ICD 1.15 - HTTP DELETE verb is now allowed for acquisitions ingestions * Fixes - Activations with multiple calls with the same disaster type are no longer considered as "multiple" - Fixed missing latitude in circle areas when editing a disaster - Fixed missing translations when editing a disaster ----------------------------- v2.1.3 - 13/08/2021 ----------------------------- * Improvements - Improved free-text search performance - Improved search UX when no results are returned * Fixes - Fixed missing thumbnails in the map tooltips - Fixed translation bug in the disaster types - Fixed longitud/latitude decimals validation issue - Fixed error while saving changes of a disaster ----------------------------- v2.1.2 - 16/03/2021 ----------------------------- * Improvements - Matomo URL is now configurable - Improved configuration edition interface for the quicklooks correction algorithm * Fixes - Fixed activation number bug on ingestion - Fixed coordinates indicator on mouse move ----------------------------- v2.1.1 - 23/02/2021 ----------------------------- * Changes: - Included all changes and fixes made for v2.0.* ----------------------------- v2.1.0 - 11/02/2021 ----------------------------- * Changes: - Entity Framework along with all the dependant libraries have been completely removed - A new data access layer has been implemented - Database structure (tables, columns, constraints, etc.) has been completely redesigned * Improvements - Transactions and connections management have been optimized - All database CRUD operations have been optimized - Advanced search multiselection filters have been improved ----------------------------- v2.0.3 - 05/02/2021 ----------------------------- * Changes: - Home controller now accepts HEAD requests * Fixes: - Fixed Logs view - Fixed Activities load-on-scroll ----------------------------- v2.0.2 - 01/02/2021 ----------------------------- * Switching maps - Added buttons for switching between Google Maps, Bing, and OpenStreetMap - Added functionality to auto-detect Google Maps availability - Added maps copyright information * Changes: - Map drawing in "Advanced search" now uses a north-oriented rectangle - Search results now affect directly the visible disasters on the map - Fire icon now uses a darker color - Increased search results container height - "family" filter has been removed from search - Multiple disasters now show the individual disaster types in the disaster tooltip - Preview of the value added products has been removed and replaced by a download button. - Disaster icon has been moved to the bottom layer * Fixes: - Fixed header and popups for mobile - Fixed Activities load-on-scroll - Fixed acquisitions filtering issues ----------------------------- v2.0.0 - 04/12/2020 ----------------------------- * ICD 1.15: - Added "isClosed" field to disasters - Added "footprint" field to value added products * Changes: - CesiumJs has been replaced by OpenLayers v6.4.3 - Matomo Analytics has been added - Application styling has been adapted to look like already existing COS applications - It is now possible to filter acquisitions by satellite family - "Onlny active calls" filter has been added to the advanced search - Some products will now display a footprint on the map - Norad catalog management has been removed * Improvements - Information and search panes have been merged into one single pane - All images are now lazy-loaded - The entire application layout has been redesigned to be responsive - Every satellite information is now centralised into a single configuration service - Advanced search now allows multiselection - Datetime range control has been improved - Administration panel home page has been redesigned and new statistics have been added - Map tooltips have been redesigned to be interactive both for disasters and acquisitions ----------------------------- v1.5.4 - 20/07/2020 ----------------------------- * ICD 1.14: - Added "isDeleted" field to value added products - If a value added product is received with "isDeleted" flag set to "true" it will be deleted from the database * Fixes: - Database was throwing a timeout exception after a group of requests was received in a short period of time ----------------------------- v1.5.3 - 03/06/2020 ----------------------------- * Fixes: - Acquisition's filter was not being applied correctly to all thumbnails - Thumbnails' descriptions kept visible even when the filters were applied - Logout redirected to an invalid URL in some cases - Norad catalog URL from Celestrak was unreachable due to required TLS 1.2 version - XML controller was throwing a timeout exception after receiving a few concurrent requests * Improvements - Quicklook transformations directly over the map - Convert to transparent black margins of quicklooks - Acquisition's filter now allows filtering by satellite - Acquisition panel now has two browsing buttons to display prev/next acquisition - CSS style improvements - Cesium v1.71 ----------------------------- v1.5.2 - 28/04/2020 ----------------------------- * Fixes: - Map was not being displayed on Firefox - When displayed over the map, quicklook images seem to be duplicated - The "info" link on disaster's panel has no URL defined * CSS style improvements ----------------------------- v1.5.1 - 22/01/2020 ----------------------------- * ICD 1.13: - "source", "copyright" and "acquisitionDate" fields have been removed from VAD structure - "sources" field has been added instead; this could contain a collection of the new following types: - New common type "otherVapSourceType": - description - acquisitionDate - copyright - New common type "cos2VapSourceType" (extends "otherVapSourceType"): - "agency" - "identifier" - New common type "externalVapSourceType" (extends "otherVapSourceType"): - "agency" - "satellite" - "instrument" - "mode" * Value Added Products: - The product display pannel has been redesigned to support the new VAD structure with multiple sources - The product edition page has been also redesigned for the same reason - A new button has been added to the home page of the administration panel to migrate all the previous VAD records to the new structure - The XML ingestion process has been updated to validate and support the new structure * Fixes: - Absolute URLs were not being displayed in the client ----------------------------- v1.5.0 - 08/01/2020 ----------------------------- * Norad Catalog Number - A new field has been included in the acquisitions table for the Norad Catalog Number . - The acquisition edition form has been updated to include this new field. - It is now possible to search by this field from the advanced search panel as a free text. - A new section has been added to the administration panel with the following functionalities: - Auto-assign catalog numbers to the acquisition records - Reload Norad catalog from Celestrak source - Download catalog in JSON, XML and CSV formats - Search by satellite name or catalog number * Acquisition Image Transformations - A new button has been added on the quicklook panel of the acquisition edition form that will bring up a dialog from where it will be possible to perform the following transformations: - Flip vertically / horizontally - Rotate 90º / -90º - Rectify - Rollback * Ingestion service - In the case of the acquisitions, the satellite name will be auto-assigned if the Norad catalog number has been filled. - This service now produces a separate log file in case of some error is found - A new endpoint (/en/admin/logs/ingestion/send-email) has been added to send a report email containing the evetual errors produced. For this to work properly, a cron job has to be defined on the server to invoke this endpoint with a certain frequency (i.e. daily). - A new section has been added to the administration panel with the following functionalities: - Search logs by content - Configuration of the daily email settings * Map: - Cesium updated to version 1.64 * Style improvements ----------------------------- v1.4.4b - 06/Sep/2019 ----------------------------- * ICD 1.12: - Region field has been removed - Multiple countries allowed - Norad Catalog Number field allowed * Ingestion service - Changes have been made to support a collection of countries (currently limited to 2) * Disaster Panel - The interface has been modified to remove region field and to support multiple countries * Disaster Administration - The interface has been modified to remove region field and to support multiple selection of countries ----------------------------- v1.4.3 - 24/Sep/2018 ----------------------------- * Issues: - Fixed issue CGT-051 (quicklook/thumbnail for some acquisitions are not displayed) ----------------------------- v1.4.2 - 05/Sep/2018 ----------------------------- * Issues: - Fixed rectification algorithm not processing some KML cases ----------------------------- v1.4.1 - 23/Aug/2018 ----------------------------- * Issues: - Fixed rectification algorithm affecting also acquisitions for satellites that are not included in the configured list ----------------------------- v1.4.0 - 13/Aug/2018 ----------------------------- * Issues: - Fixed issue CGT-047 (acquisition not rectified for Sentinel-1 and other satellites) - Fixed issue CGT-049 (minus key not working in Lat/Long input fields of acquistion edit form) - Fixed issue CGT-050 (forced case insensitiveness for 'Identifier' field of acquisition and VAP records) ----------------------------- v1.3.3 - 12/Apr/2018 ----------------------------- * Issues: - Fixed issue CGT-043 (missing 3d model for Sentinel-1B) - Fixed issue CGT-044 (acquisition list does not scroll to the bottom in Firefox) - Fixed issue CGT-045 (the PDF viewer for value added products does not show correctly in Firefox) ----------------------------- v1.3.2 - 24/Jan/2018 ----------------------------- * Issues: - Fixed issue CGT-041 (language selection button does not let the user change the current language) ----------------------------- v1.3.1 - 18/Jan/2018 ----------------------------- * Issues: - Fixed issue CGT-040 (processing disaters with only circular AoIs, CGT generates a warning) ----------------------------- v1.3.0 - 16/Jan/2018 ----------------------------- * Improvements: - Disaster description / image, when empty, are inherited from sibling calls (CGT-020) - Added support for activation selection in HTTP addressing scheme - Added support for WYSIWYG text-boxes in CGT edition panels - Boosted activation list retrieval performance * ICD 1.11: - added PM Email Address field to XML schema ----------------------------- v1.2.0 - 13/Dec/2017 ----------------------------- * Issues: - Fixed issue CGT-038 (quicklook not showing with polygonal footprint) - Fixed issue CGT-031 (deadlock situation caused by the selection of a disaster with an invalid rectangular area) - Fixed issue CGT-021 (editing the satellite name leads to quicklook/thumbnail loss) - Fixex issue CGT-016 (changed tooltip for crosshair icon) ----------------------------- v1.1.1 - 13/Oct/2017 ----------------------------- * ICD: - Accepted values for acquisitions resolution field: VLR, LR, MR, HR, VHR - Accepted values for acquisitions sensor type field: O, R * Data update: - Existing data has been updated with the new ICD supported values along with the corresponding translation ----------------------------- v1.1.0 - 04/Oct/2017 ----------------------------- * Edit: - It is now possible to add new Acquisitions and Products from the disaster panel. - A multilingual support has been added for Disasters and Products allowing to edit text content using the available languages. - Some bugs have been corrected. * Products: - Now an image is displayed when a product preview is set to private or when its link is broken instead of an error page. * About panel: - Clicking on the product version will pop up the About panel. - The logos of the About panel are now linked to the corresponding web sites. * Server: - Implemented ICD 1.9 = Removed string length limits = Implemented HTTP codes 260 and 460 for Warnings and Errors = Added HTTP response strings with details on Warnings and Errors - Multi-lingual strings support via Translations table ----------------------------- v1.0.0 - 01/Sep/2017 ----------------------------- * Acquisitions: - It is now possible to display the acquisition image over the acquisition footprint on the map. - Now a floating button gets displayed when hovering an acquisition thumbnail allowing the user to "fly" to the acquisition's location. * Search: - The precision of the coordinates of a selected area have been reduced. - A bug when the user defined more than one area over the map has been corrected. - A badge has been added over each disaster type icon indicating how many disasters of that type are displayed on the map. * Edit: - Resolved a bug with decimal values on latitude and longitude fields ----------------------------- v0.1.7 - 25/Aug/2017 ----------------------------- * Data ingestion: - Validations for SSL certificates and KML files are now configurable. New log entries have been added ----------------------------- v0.1.6 - 17/Aug/2017 ----------------------------- * Map: - Cesium updated to version 1.36 - Now the different maps are downloaded without indicating the protocol (http / https) in order to avoid security restrictions from the browsers. * Search: - "ALL" button now behaves as a switch allowing to enable or disable all disaster types. - Search panel can be shown either from the top left handle or from the bottom rounded box of current selected filters. * Edit disaster / acquisition: - It is now allowed to edit KML content directly inside the textarea control. - A new button has been added under the KML textarea to download its content as a KML file. ----------------------------- v0.1.5 - 08/Aug/2017 ----------------------------- * Disaster display: - Icons over the map are now displaying Activations instead of Calls. - When an Activation is connected with more than a single call and these calls do not share the same disaster type, then a generic disaster icon is displayed. - When an Activation is associated with a single call or with multiple calls of the same tipe, then the specific icon for that type will be displayed. * Disasters: - One call can now have defined more than one type of disaster. - It is now possible to set more than one different type of area (KML, circles, rectangle) for one call. - More than one type of disaster can be set for a certain call. * Acquisitions: - A more detailed tooltip is shown when hovering an acquisition from the acquisitions list of the disaster pane. * Products: - Hyperlink for value added products now can be set as private. * Satellites: - New satellite images have been added. * Search: - "Date From" and "Date To" datepickers have been added in order to perform a date filtering with day granularity. - Search pane is now displayed by using a handle on the left border of the screen. * Users: - The password strength policy has been enhanced with the following requirements: - Minimum length of 8 characters - Have mixed letter case - Contain at least one numerical character ----------------------------- v0.1.4 - 20/Jul/2017 ----------------------------- * Cache: - Cached lists containing acquisitions information (such as satellites, sensors, etc.) will now be automatically refreshed after a new acquisition is received. * Areas: - The period in which an area remains private for casual users is now configurable. - The KML files can now contain <Placemark> elements that will indicate the priority of the area. * Disasters: - The disaster type names are now the same as the ones used in the CNES Charter demo tool. * Acquisitions: - The following lists are now data-driven: Satellites, Sensors, SensorModes, SensorTypes, Resolutions: ----------------------------- v0.1.3 - 14/Jun/2017 ----------------------------- * Fortify corrections ----------------------------- v0.1.2 - 30/May/2017 ----------------------------- * Search: - Several bugs have been corrected. - Now the panel gets auto hidden when a search result is clicked. - Comboboxes now display a scrollbar when the content list is too long. - A list of activations is displayed as a result instead of only calls. Now the calls are shown as indented content under the activation items. * Products: - Panel display style has been corrected. * Edit: - New information labels have been added to show the user what coordinate format is being used. * Users: - Blocked users are now indicated with a red closed lockpad. ----------------------------- v0.1.1 - 24/May/2017 ----------------------------- * Search: - Search box and filter box have been merged into a new panel allowing the user to keep filtering as it was done before as well as performing an advanced search all from the same place. - By holding down 'Alt' key and dragging the mouse over the map it is now possible to define a geographic area to search. - "Next month" has been included in time filter so it shows a +1 month from the current date. - Search results now display "Activation Id" with the format "ACT-N". * Disasters: - It is now possible to define the Area as a rectangle as well as a collection of circles without using KML files. - "Name" and "Description" tags are now allowed when a KML area is defined (if present, they will be displayed as a tooltip when hovering it [red shapes]). - A warning message will be displayed when a user tries to change the "Activation Id" value. * Acquisitions and Value-added Products: - The display windows for both elements have been reduced from fullscreen into a popup panel. * Acquisitions: - A number of satellite images have been added. - It is now possible to define the Footprint as a polygon without using KML files. - "Sensor type" field has been added. - It is now possible to filter by "sensor type" from the acquisitions tab of the disaster pane. * Map tooltips: - When hovering a clustered billboard the tooltip will show a detailed information of all disasters that have been clustered grouping them by activation. - Now a tooltip will be displayed when hovering a disaster area. If the area was defined by a KML file it will also display "Name" and/or "Description" values; * Administration Panel - A "Clear cache" button has been added. It will clear the static data (such as translations, satellites, sensors, etc...) letting the application to automatically reload it using fresh data. - A different color is now used in the "Users list" section to display "block/unblock" buttons. ----------------------------- v0.0.7b ----------------------------- * Search: - Search by activation as well as by description - Results are affected by current time & type filters * Products: - Auto preview content - Icon changes depending on the file type * Administration Panel: - Included a "Home button" - Amount of items in lists of "Summary" section are configurable - "Logs" section * Users: - Now a message is displayed after an invalid login attempt * Activity: - Added filters by date and free text * Map: - Zoom out when current disaster becomes hidden by any filter
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